JUDICIARY Latest Features

Transparency International to Engage Judicial Officers Before Publishing Reports
Hon. Justice Bart Katureebe (CJ) seated far left with representatives from Transparency International at his chambers at the High Court

KAMPALA: Anti-corruption watchdog,Transparency International (TI) agreed to obtain information from Judicial Officers and Court Users before publication of reports so as to come up with informed and enforceable findings and recommendations.

This was the outcome of a meeting that representatives of TI, led by the Chairperson, Ms Delia Ferreira Rubio, held with the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe, on Friday December 7, 2018.

Among the issues discussed was the role of TI in monitoring accountability mechanisms and the fight against corruption; the state of corruption in the Uganda Judiciary (perceived and real); adherence to the Judicial Code of Conduct as well as Disciplinary mechanisms.

The Chief Justice briefed the team of the challenges encountered by the Judiciary in handling allegations of corruption especially due to the fact that most allegations are based on perception other than evidence.

He also indicated that most people are not willing to report and stand-by their complaints.

Other members on the TI team were Mr John Mary Odoy, the Board Chair TI - Uganda Chapter; Mr. Peter Kiwumulo, the Vice Chairperson and HW Waidha Fred Wambuzi,Board Member.

Posted 11th, December 2018
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